How Can You Replace Your Lincense Plate Light

May 6, 2014 0 By admin


I always wanted to replace my license plate light on my Toyota Vios to white LEDs lights but I’ve determined to wait until the bulbs blew off. It provides being almost 3 years, the bulbs still working fine. I’ve made a decision to replace it even though the bulbs are still working fine. Gosh, just how the original bulbs so durable and lasted for so long…

Step by step for replacing license plate light:

Step 1: Located the socket of the license plate lights at the boot.

Step Two: Twist the socket anti-clockwise to unlock the socket from the car’s body. Here you should be to see the bulbs.

Step 3: Cover the bulb with a clove and pull out the bulb from the socket firmly. The bulb shall be easily separated from the socket.

Step 4: Get my brand new white license plate white light LEDs and attached it to the sockets. Do avoid touching the top of the LEDs using our hands because the moisture on our palm may minimize the lifespan of your LEDs. Cover the LEDs or bulbs with clove while perform installation towards the socket. Once completed the installation, test out the white LEDs whether would it be on the right polarity by turn on the car’s light. If the LEDs doesn’t light up, reverse the polarity else the LEDs could possibly be spoiled.

Step 5: Lock back the license plate socket through twist in clockwise direction of your socket for the Toyota Vios’s boot then sit back and also be proud of whatever we have done icon smile Replacing License Plate Light

Oh yea, the rear look at Toyota Vios GT Street looks sharper now.